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CityDriveBooster — это Telegram-бот, созданный для взаимодействия с системой диспетчеризации задач Сити Драйв. Бот позволяет пользователям автоматизировать поиск, выбор и управление заданиями с использованием API Сити Драйв.
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Prototype is a creational design pattern that enables object creation by copying an existing prototype, reducing the cost and complexity of object instantiation.
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Singleton is a creational design pattern that ensures a class has only one instance and provides a global point of access to that instance.
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Separation of Concerns
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You Aren't Gonna Need It
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Don`t repeat yourself
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Keep it simple, stupid!
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Single Responsibility, Open/Closed, Liskov Substitution, Interface Segregation, Dependency Inversion
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Материал в разработке
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This study material explains how containerization differs from virtual machines (VMs), describes the process of installing Docker on Linux, and covers images, containers, and Dockerfile. This material will help you understand the basic concepts of containerization, learn how to install and use Docker, and create and manage Docker images and containers
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